Shandong Zhongpi Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

Shandong Zhongpi Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

beer equipment,brewing equipment,brewery equipment,beer brewing equipment,fermentation tank

Business Scope

  • 1Equipment/Electrical/Accessories



Since 2005, CBET has distinguished itself as the premiere Asia brewing equipment manufacturer. We also make the OEM for some famous brand in USA who has more than 15 years experience within the brewing industry, CBET designs breweries from the brew master's perspective boasts a long history with every brew system and has the brewing experience, engineering and technical background, and skilled craftsmanship to build your custom stainless steel brewery. From brewery design, to custom fabrication, to onsite installation and training, CBET will be there with you step-by-step throughout the entire process. CBET manufacturing facilities are CE certified and utilizes ISO 9001:2008 quality management system, along with proven project management systems, to ensure that every brewery is flawless. Furthermore, we will continue to help you grow with our diligent after sale support.As your trusted partner, we'll play an active role in your business while you plan for your future. We start with a complimentary review of your current operations and then work together with you to chart a path to reach your goals. From there, the CBET team will help you through the growing pains, find success day-to-day and manage whatever may lie ahead.