The cleaning section is mainly for cleaning the maize, it has the gravity clasification stoner, mightness temper, corn bark, embryo selector and the blower, elevator, screw convayor.
The milling section is made up of the roller mill, double sifter etc.

The Cleaning Art flow:
Maize flows into the elevator from the rough maize bin and is upgraded by the high efficiency vibrating sieve. Uses the dimension difference between maize and impurity to get rid of the big and small impurities inside. When maize goes through the suction channel of the sieve, the light impurities will be separated by the blower.
After clearing, maize will go into the magnetic separator to separate the magnetic impurity. Then go into the wheat scourer which uses difference in strength between maize and parts of impurity, it also depends on the high speed rotary board to break up the impurity whose strength is lighter than maize, and separate the impurity on the pileorhiza, the impurity will shake out by sieve plate. Maize will pass through the dust chamber and flow into the gravity classified deduster. It makes use of the different gravity and aerodynamic property between maize and impurity to remove the stone inside. Then go into the tempering mixer to moisture maize and into the moisture bin.

Maize will stay at the moisture bin about 20-40 minute. Cortex and endosperm will absorb water and expand, then shift. The shift of them reduces the binding fence between them and increase toughness of cortex, so it is easy to separate them, also easy to separate the germ. Maize after moisture will go into corn barker (crusher). This machine will initiate crushing of the maize, the blower will get the maize pericarp out, and others will go into the plane revolving sieve.

The flour milling flow:
The small pieces will go into the mill, and the big pieces above sieve will goes into the embryo selector. The selector will separate them according the different gravity between endosperm with cortex and endosperm. After separated, the endosperm will move to the mill to be crushed into flour. The endosperm with cortex will first be squashed by the mill, the germ inside will be squashed like cake, the endosperm will be flour. They will then move by air current to the double sifter series to separate the germ and maize flour.
The that material goes into the mill will be grinded and classified step by step, then goes into the bran brusher and separate the cortex and germ further more, then grind and classify again. Maize flour passes though each sifter, then goes into the flour cyclone and is collected and packaged.