Inceptedin the year 2003, Unique Star Alliance Tools Mfg. Pvt. Ltdis amongstthe trusted manufacturers and exporters of quality steelfiles marketedunder the brand name Marigold and Sunstar. With the teamhavingexperience of more than 3 decades in manufacturing of steel HSSdrills,steel masonry drills, electroplated diamond files, steel hssdrill bits,industrial files, saw files, machinist files, jk file,filex, limas,anchor files, premium files, saw files, slim taper,regular taper, chainsaw, farmers own, steel file, lima bastarda planataller, lima bastardaredonda taller, limas, acero archivos, RASPSfiles, needle files, steelfiles, masonry drills, HSS drills and reelectroplating services.Developed using finest quality raw materialour array finds wideapplication in several industries for precisionfunctioning, efficientperformance and durability.
Oursophisticated manufacturingability allows us to persistently andsystematically upgrade the qualityof our files as per internationalquality standards. Backed by technicalassistance from a EuropeanManufacturer of repute our quality files iswidely acknowledged acrossLatin America, Japan, Europe, Australia andAsian countries.
Underthe able guidance of our mentor Mr.Narendra Kumar Mittal, we have beensuccessful in expanding our businessto different horizons. His strongbusiness acumen has enabled us tocarne a niche for ourselves in theglobal market. Our plant is situatedin Thane (Near Mumbai) & Daman(U.T.).
Our Experts.
Underthe aegis of the companys mentorMr. N.K. Mittal who has, a vastexperience of over 40 years in the FileManufacturing business we havedeveloped a proficient workforce. Ourteam of veteran professionals withimmense industrial expertise hasenabled us to offer finest qualitysteel HSS drills, steel masonrydrills, electroplated diamond files,steel hss drill bits, industrialfiles, saw files, machinist files, jkfile, filex, limas, anchor files,premium files, saw files, slim taper,regular taper, chain saw, farmersown, steel file, lima bastarda planataller, lima bastarda redondataller, limas, acero archivos, RASPSfiles, needle files, steel files,masonry drills, HSS drills and reelectroplating services that arewidely acknowledged in severalindustries.
Our team comprises:
* Technocrats
* Engineers
* Quality controller
* Sales and marketing personnel
Wehavesound manufacturing facilities with latest technologies, which aretakencare of by our technocrats and engineers. They are well versedandqualified to operate in compliance with technical assistance fromaWorld Manufacturer of repute. Our quality controllers strictlyexaminethe quality of files throughout the production and postproductionprocess and ensure efficient performance and enhanceddurability of theproduct. Sales and Marketing personnel scrupulousefforts allow us toexpand our business, clients and thereby enable usto achieve our goalof maximum client satisfaction.
Product Portfolio
Weareengaged in the manufacture and export of different types of steelfiles.Our quality gamut of files include steel HSS drills, steelmasonrydrills, electroplated diamond files, steel hss drill bits,industrialfiles, saw files, machinist files, jk file, filex, limas,anchor files,premium files, saw files, slim taper, regular taper,chain saw, farmersown, steel file, lima bastarda plana taller, limabastarda redondataller, limas, acero archivos, RASPS files, needlefiles, steel files,masonry drills, HSS drills and re electroplatingservices. Our productsare marketed under the premium brand nameMARIGOLD, SUNSTAR& TIKORA[Trianglar].
These files are used in various industries and are demanded for its features:
* Sharp cutting ability
* Durability
* Efficient performance
* Enhances surface finish
Empowered by sound manufacturing ability and able workforce, offer World Class Quality Tools